Personal information you provide (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers) may be retained in databases and lists, and may be used to keep you updated about news, events, and services provided by The Law Office of Frank K. Lord IV, PLLC (the “Firm”).  You may request that the Firm provide details about the information it has collected, and you may also request that the information be changed or deleted.  Requests can be sent by email to

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The Firm does not undertake to hold unsolicited information in confidence, and there should be no expectation of privacy of information communicated to the Firm unless there has been an agreement to keep such information private or confidential prior to the time that it is communicated to the Firm or unless there is a pre-existing attorney-client relationship.  The Firm reserves the right to represent adverse parties, and the Firm retains that right notwithstanding any information that is communicated through this site.  The Firm cannot guarantee the confidentiality or security of information transmitted via the Internet.

The use of this site constitutes an agreement to be bound by the Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy. The Firm reserves the right to change the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy at any time without notice.  Updates to this policy will be posted here, and you are advised to check for them periodically.

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